Friday, December 10, 2010

Accidently on Purpose

1> Products of our Environment

Our society tells us we are products of our environment.  I beg to differ.
I believe that instead, we are products of the choices we make within our environment.

Being the second of eight children I watched as each of us became totally different people.  Even though we were raised in the same environment, our choices decided who we became.

Choices made by accident, or on purpose.

No matter the circumstances in our lives, we will always have a choice to make.  I look at our society and see so many choices made... Accidentally on Purpose.

This is, to say, that many situations in which we have to make a choice are thrust upon us so quickly that we give little, if any, thought to the choice to be made. We look no further down the road than the here and now. Before you know it, we have made an accidentally on purpose choice that could effect us for the rest of our lives.

Who we are. What kind of opportunities we open or close. What kind of relationships we have.

When we get to the end of our life, will we look back with regret on all the accidently on purpose choices we made that brought us to this end? Or will we be able to look back with satisfaction on a legacy of choices Purposefully made.