1> Products of our Environment
Our society tells us we are products of our environment. I beg to differ.
I believe that instead, we are products of the choices we make within our environment.
Being the second of eight children I watched as each of us became totally different people. Even though we were raised in the same environment, our choices decided who we became.
Choices made by accident, or on purpose.
No matter the circumstances in our lives, we will always have a choice to make. I look at our society and see so many choices made... Accidentally on Purpose.
This is, to say, that many situations in which we have to make a choice are thrust upon us so quickly that we give little, if any, thought to the choice to be made. We look no further down the road than the here and now. Before you know it, we have made an accidentally on purpose choice that could effect us for the rest of our lives.
Who we are. What kind of opportunities we open or close. What kind of relationships we have.
When we get to the end of our life, will we look back with regret on all the accidently on purpose choices we made that brought us to this end? Or will we be able to look back with satisfaction on a legacy of choices Purposefully made.
This blog is a collection of small thoughts on which I have reflected. I hope others will enjoy sharing in my small reflections, and maybe share in a laugh along the way!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
blog entries
"Ah, I've got a great idea I'd love to blog"..., inspiration hits me at work, and so I file it in the dark recess files of my brain to later re-open when I'm at the computer and can actually start putting those thoughts into written word.
Two days later, "Oh, this would be a great story to share on my blog!!"...as some funny thing takes place while being with the kids, and again I file the thought away to be recovered at a later date.
So, here I am, sitting at the computer with a free moment while the kids are playing outside and somehow I've lost all those files! Aaahhh.
So today I'll do a diary entry so you can view one day in the life of a blogger that has no idea what to do for a blog entry! :)
My day began at 12:30am as I was climbing into bed after a fun day with friends. I thought since I couldn't fall asleep I'd go ahead and finish the movie I've tried to finish the last three nights. As the movie ended I drifted off into a slumber only to be woken by my five year old around 8am informing me that he'd found one egg in the chicken house! "O.k., make sure you wash it before you put it away" as I roll over to get some more shut eye. Only to be roused again 15min later to the friend who spent the night crying that "your kids woke me up to early. It's not even morning!" ...Well, actually it is morning, but the kids room is dark because I have cleverly made a black-out curtain for nap purposes, and so I can sleep in just a bit longer in the mornings.
Deciding that was it for sleep today, I got up as the kids poured themselves some cold cereal. I love how I'm so prepared!!! :D Got things cleaned up, caught up on some correspondence, made some necessary phone calls, and then gave the kids some modeling clay I'd picked up on sale. Now this is a great idea to absorb the kids in play while Mom does other things, the only problem was, they thought this clay was play dough. All the play dough toys came out and there was a mess everywhere, howbeit they were having a blast. So I smiled and let them make a mess, though I suggested that they may want to get the playdough out so they don't break they're toys on clay!
Making a quick lunch of turkey meat sandwiches and fruit salad, and enjoying the small prayers of small children, they all make a quick disappearance of any food set before them! And I send them on their way, out the door for some more Vitamin D absorption! While I sit at the computer in the small moment of silence and try to figure out what to post as a blog entry since I haven't posted in so long!
Of course, my day is only half over and I had to abbreviate the few things that have happened to this point. I have to say, Next time I need to write down my ideas so you don't have to bore yourself through one of these kind of blog entries!!! :D
Two days later, "Oh, this would be a great story to share on my blog!!"...as some funny thing takes place while being with the kids, and again I file the thought away to be recovered at a later date.
So, here I am, sitting at the computer with a free moment while the kids are playing outside and somehow I've lost all those files! Aaahhh.
So today I'll do a diary entry so you can view one day in the life of a blogger that has no idea what to do for a blog entry! :)
My day began at 12:30am as I was climbing into bed after a fun day with friends. I thought since I couldn't fall asleep I'd go ahead and finish the movie I've tried to finish the last three nights. As the movie ended I drifted off into a slumber only to be woken by my five year old around 8am informing me that he'd found one egg in the chicken house! "O.k., make sure you wash it before you put it away" as I roll over to get some more shut eye. Only to be roused again 15min later to the friend who spent the night crying that "your kids woke me up to early. It's not even morning!" ...Well, actually it is morning, but the kids room is dark because I have cleverly made a black-out curtain for nap purposes, and so I can sleep in just a bit longer in the mornings.
Deciding that was it for sleep today, I got up as the kids poured themselves some cold cereal. I love how I'm so prepared!!! :D Got things cleaned up, caught up on some correspondence, made some necessary phone calls, and then gave the kids some modeling clay I'd picked up on sale. Now this is a great idea to absorb the kids in play while Mom does other things, the only problem was, they thought this clay was play dough. All the play dough toys came out and there was a mess everywhere, howbeit they were having a blast. So I smiled and let them make a mess, though I suggested that they may want to get the playdough out so they don't break they're toys on clay!
Making a quick lunch of turkey meat sandwiches and fruit salad, and enjoying the small prayers of small children, they all make a quick disappearance of any food set before them! And I send them on their way, out the door for some more Vitamin D absorption! While I sit at the computer in the small moment of silence and try to figure out what to post as a blog entry since I haven't posted in so long!
Of course, my day is only half over and I had to abbreviate the few things that have happened to this point. I have to say, Next time I need to write down my ideas so you don't have to bore yourself through one of these kind of blog entries!!! :D
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy Days
The two gabled house with a green lawn bordered by a white picket fence with a flower garden lining its straight edges. Mr. Dad has a four door neat and rather new car, while Mrs. Mom drives the family mini-van. And not to big of a family, at least a boy and girl, and maybe we'll try up to four kids if we can't get both genders right off the bat. Mrs Mom stays home cooking chocolate chips cookies and quickly dusting over the already clean and put-together house, as the children read and play quietly together, or on a nice day play tag in the backyard. Breakfast takes place at 8am as the kids have already made their beds and are dressed for the day, and Dad is in his suit and tie with a warm cup of coffee in one hand and his briefcase in the other. Mrs. Mom is busy dishing up the fresh eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast all cooked to perfection, of course! The day ends with Mr. Dad arriving home to a home cooked meal already on the table and all the kids clean and ready to spend a quiet evening together. ...this of course is the ideal American family.
Then there is the real American family...
Then there is the real American family...
Saturday, July 24, 2010
30 IS old!
As my children grow older and start putting things together, like that to live to 30 is OLD!, I have so many times found myself in silent laughter as I have to clarify a situation to their understanding.
Watching a movie that might have the slightest bit of suspense, their first question is, "This isn't for real, though, right?!"
We decided to get a head start in school this year, and have already dug into to some of the subjects so we can have some extra free days during the year, or maybe be done early. We are trying a Bible with History program that correlates the events in the Bible with other events in History during the same time. Of course we start at the very beginning of History at Creation and begin working our way through the Fall, the Flood, and Babel. Along the way we meet the characters of the Bible, some who play significant roles in the history of the world, others who help connect the dots.
Many of the stories our children have already heard and have a good grasp on the ideas presented in them. As I read our Bible portion, to help keep it more interactive, I often ask a question. We arrived at the character of Methuselah, where I asked, "Do you know who he was?" My seven year old raised her hand and excitedly answered, "He is in The Pond. He is an alligator!!"
I had to laugh at her enthusiastic answer. The Pond is a radio program for kids whose characters are different animals. They offer an entertaining way to teach kids good morals through their stories and songs.
It is family tradition that the kids in our family listen to stories on Saturday morning. We never had cartoons growing up, and I do not have one now. Our tradition has been passed on to our children, and if we miss The Pond on Saturday morning, at least we can catch it again later on the computer! Wow, how things have changed!
Maybe living to 30 is old after all!
Watching a movie that might have the slightest bit of suspense, their first question is, "This isn't for real, though, right?!"
We decided to get a head start in school this year, and have already dug into to some of the subjects so we can have some extra free days during the year, or maybe be done early. We are trying a Bible with History program that correlates the events in the Bible with other events in History during the same time. Of course we start at the very beginning of History at Creation and begin working our way through the Fall, the Flood, and Babel. Along the way we meet the characters of the Bible, some who play significant roles in the history of the world, others who help connect the dots.
Many of the stories our children have already heard and have a good grasp on the ideas presented in them. As I read our Bible portion, to help keep it more interactive, I often ask a question. We arrived at the character of Methuselah, where I asked, "Do you know who he was?" My seven year old raised her hand and excitedly answered, "He is in The Pond. He is an alligator!!"
I had to laugh at her enthusiastic answer. The Pond is a radio program for kids whose characters are different animals. They offer an entertaining way to teach kids good morals through their stories and songs.
It is family tradition that the kids in our family listen to stories on Saturday morning. We never had cartoons growing up, and I do not have one now. Our tradition has been passed on to our children, and if we miss The Pond on Saturday morning, at least we can catch it again later on the computer! Wow, how things have changed!
Maybe living to 30 is old after all!
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Blueberry Season in Michigan
The sun starts shining its golden rays through the branches of the trees, turning the leaves from an evening forest green shade to more of a lime green shade. My seven year old comes in to my room announcing, "We need to go blueberry picking!" as she lies down next to me and closes her eyes, falling back into a deep sleep.
I had decided after yesterday, that today we would get an early start and miss the hot noon sun, but alas, the kids needed more sleep, and I wasn't about to wake them as I could get chores off to a good start as they finished their dreams.
A few hours later we were finally ready and heading out the door, right under the noon sun! My once ecstatic children had now become slothful as the heat made us wish we had gotten up earlier!
Now I hate to say this, as it implies that I am getting old, but I remember as a child a tradition of Grandma coming up for a visit from Alabama in July and we would all go and pick blueberries together. Of course my mother would have no sleeping in, and we would be out at the break of dawn to catch the cool morning. We were not as ambitious as my children now seem to be as they fill their buckets in hopes of making a blueberry pie. No, we ate more than we put in our bucket, and once our bellies were full we no longer wanted to pick. Then there was the lesson of not throwing berries at each other. My poor Mother scolded us more than once about playing instead of picking!
As I stood in the field and watched my four little ones eagerly filling their buckets, I remember with fondness the tradition of blueberry picking. And some day I'm sure that my children as well will remember the summer days in Michigan where we sweated out the heat to pick blueberries for a blueberry pie!
I had decided after yesterday, that today we would get an early start and miss the hot noon sun, but alas, the kids needed more sleep, and I wasn't about to wake them as I could get chores off to a good start as they finished their dreams.
A few hours later we were finally ready and heading out the door, right under the noon sun! My once ecstatic children had now become slothful as the heat made us wish we had gotten up earlier!
Now I hate to say this, as it implies that I am getting old, but I remember as a child a tradition of Grandma coming up for a visit from Alabama in July and we would all go and pick blueberries together. Of course my mother would have no sleeping in, and we would be out at the break of dawn to catch the cool morning. We were not as ambitious as my children now seem to be as they fill their buckets in hopes of making a blueberry pie. No, we ate more than we put in our bucket, and once our bellies were full we no longer wanted to pick. Then there was the lesson of not throwing berries at each other. My poor Mother scolded us more than once about playing instead of picking!
As I stood in the field and watched my four little ones eagerly filling their buckets, I remember with fondness the tradition of blueberry picking. And some day I'm sure that my children as well will remember the summer days in Michigan where we sweated out the heat to pick blueberries for a blueberry pie!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Happy Birthday to my boy...
http://www.fullcirclemidwifery.com/about/Wanting to start a family right away after marriage, we were rather surprised to be blessed so quickly! Those years are easily track-able in my mind as we got married in 2002, had our first girl 2003, our second girl 2004, and then... not much by surprise at this point, found we were expecting #3!
...Now, we are celebrating the birthday of our five year old. He has the best smile, the best twinkle in his eyes, and the most ALL boy, boy I know! I love to watch him learn and grow, and learn how to be a man of honor and respect. A man who loves God, and loves mankind as God loves them...
I remember being a little hesitant as to how Scott would take the news as we had just taken over the family business. I drove over to work, as the business wasn't open yet, to fill him in on the news. He was listening to "Wild at Heart" on tape, and when I told him he was so excited, "I had just asked the Lord if He would give me a boy!" I KNEW then that we were having a boy.
Of course my midwife tried to help me not me so convinced in the case that a girl should show up instead of a boy...but I insisted I KNEW it was a boy. There were other confirmations along the way, my feeling different, different heart rate than the girls, and then there was this unbelievable activity from this being in my belly! I have never had a baby be so active!
His due date was set for June 28, but we were kind of hoping for a June 30 to share Daddy's birthday.
As usual for me, the due date came and went. We celebrated Daddy's birthday with no sign of an arrival. I waddled down to the fireworks display on July 4, hoping nothing would happen while we were down there. And, nothing did, other than I needed to use the bathroom so bad that they let me use one at a bar without my I.D. because seriously, no one is going to say "no" when I looked like I would pop any second!
Then, on July 7, at 7:04pm, all 9 pounds of little squirming, kicking, active all boy was born in our home...literally! I love home birth! All of my children I had at home, and all ended up being water births. As he was born I laughed and cried and exclaimed "It IS a boy!" Of course the midwife wanted to check for herself before confirming it, and she was rather surprised that I was right all along! :D
Attached is the site for my midwife, one of the most experienced "lay" midwives in our area. I have enjoyed every experience I have had using her services. I encourage you to check out her website and learn a little about home birth, and about how amazing God has made our bodies! I am thankful for the medical field and all the things we have learned for when we need them, but I also believe that there are natural ways for things to happen, and these tend to be more healthy. In birth, they benefit not only us as the moms, but also our newborns!
...Now, we are celebrating the birthday of our five year old. He has the best smile, the best twinkle in his eyes, and the most ALL boy, boy I know! I love to watch him learn and grow, and learn how to be a man of honor and respect. A man who loves God, and loves mankind as God loves them...
I remember being a little hesitant as to how Scott would take the news as we had just taken over the family business. I drove over to work, as the business wasn't open yet, to fill him in on the news. He was listening to "Wild at Heart" on tape, and when I told him he was so excited, "I had just asked the Lord if He would give me a boy!" I KNEW then that we were having a boy.
Of course my midwife tried to help me not me so convinced in the case that a girl should show up instead of a boy...but I insisted I KNEW it was a boy. There were other confirmations along the way, my feeling different, different heart rate than the girls, and then there was this unbelievable activity from this being in my belly! I have never had a baby be so active!
His due date was set for June 28, but we were kind of hoping for a June 30 to share Daddy's birthday.
As usual for me, the due date came and went. We celebrated Daddy's birthday with no sign of an arrival. I waddled down to the fireworks display on July 4, hoping nothing would happen while we were down there. And, nothing did, other than I needed to use the bathroom so bad that they let me use one at a bar without my I.D. because seriously, no one is going to say "no" when I looked like I would pop any second!
Then, on July 7, at 7:04pm, all 9 pounds of little squirming, kicking, active all boy was born in our home...literally! I love home birth! All of my children I had at home, and all ended up being water births. As he was born I laughed and cried and exclaimed "It IS a boy!" Of course the midwife wanted to check for herself before confirming it, and she was rather surprised that I was right all along! :D
Attached is the site for my midwife, one of the most experienced "lay" midwives in our area. I have enjoyed every experience I have had using her services. I encourage you to check out her website and learn a little about home birth, and about how amazing God has made our bodies! I am thankful for the medical field and all the things we have learned for when we need them, but I also believe that there are natural ways for things to happen, and these tend to be more healthy. In birth, they benefit not only us as the moms, but also our newborns!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Along My Picket Fence
Along My Picket Fence
Along my picket fence I find, flowers of assorted kind.
A place where Daisies nod their head in glee, and Black-Eyed Susans look at me.
The Lilacs fill the air with grace, while sunshine splashes on my face.
The Morning Glories rise in place, as if lifting up a song of praise.
The Rose Bush splashes her red around, while the purple phlox hugs the ground.
Along my picket fence I sit, a place that's quiet and I can think.
A place where I can be alone, to worship God Who's on His throne.
A place where I can see with ease how He takes care of all of these,
And if in His love He would this do, I can rest assured He'll care for me too.
His love and care around me spread, as I get my fill of His daily Bread.
Along my picket picket fence.
Along my picket fence I find, flowers of assorted kind.
A place where Daisies nod their head in glee, and Black-Eyed Susans look at me.
The Lilacs fill the air with grace, while sunshine splashes on my face.
The Morning Glories rise in place, as if lifting up a song of praise.
The Rose Bush splashes her red around, while the purple phlox hugs the ground.
Along my picket fence I sit, a place that's quiet and I can think.
A place where I can be alone, to worship God Who's on His throne.
A place where I can see with ease how He takes care of all of these,
And if in His love He would this do, I can rest assured He'll care for me too.
His love and care around me spread, as I get my fill of His daily Bread.
Along my picket picket fence.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Bikes, Bugs, ...and Goggles?
Jumping on my bike, I decided to take the alternative form of transportation to work as the day was beautiful. I pedaled along the bike path at an easy speed. The slight breeze kissing my face as I reached the bridge over the sky blue water. I pondered in awe the creation around me.
Sometimes in life, it is good to take the slower path. To be able to actually "smell the roses", and think about where you've been, where you are, and where you're going.
I ride along, serious in thought and contemplation, when all of a sudden a rabbit jumps in front of me! I swerve in fear of being thrown over the handles of my bike as I ramp off the back of a rabbit!! I think this year has got to be a record breaking year in the production of rabbits! Every corner I took, there was a rabbit jumping into the bushes to hide from the impending doom from two large round rubber bands streaking by at unparalleled speeds. What a tragic story that would be in the history of the rabbit family!
As I reach work, I dreamily gaze out the window all day in regret that I cannot be out enjoying the perfect summer weather that we seem to be currently enjoying, and that only happens a few days out of the year in Michigan! 70's, sunny, and a slight breeze! Aaahhh... ...back to work. I can only look forward to my ride home.
Enthusiastically I lock up the building as the sky glows a magnificent, almost neon, pink. I head out on my two wheeled transportation to take in the end of a beautiful day.
I ride along, head high, breathing in deep the fresh air when...cough, gasp...squint!!!! I've run into a large swarm of small flies!!! As I shake my head from the last of them, a second wave hits me squarely in the face! As I ride along, I find that this phenomena does not occur just by the water, as I first hypothesized. No, all the way home I was hitting swarms of little flies, who somehow fly precisely at the very altitude at which my face happens to be when I am seated on my bike!
Squinting my eyes all the way home, I finally arrived, having had my portion of protein for the day. I have concluded from this eventful ride that perhaps I should include goggles in my next evening bike excursion!
Sometimes in life, it is good to take the slower path. To be able to actually "smell the roses", and think about where you've been, where you are, and where you're going.
I ride along, serious in thought and contemplation, when all of a sudden a rabbit jumps in front of me! I swerve in fear of being thrown over the handles of my bike as I ramp off the back of a rabbit!! I think this year has got to be a record breaking year in the production of rabbits! Every corner I took, there was a rabbit jumping into the bushes to hide from the impending doom from two large round rubber bands streaking by at unparalleled speeds. What a tragic story that would be in the history of the rabbit family!
As I reach work, I dreamily gaze out the window all day in regret that I cannot be out enjoying the perfect summer weather that we seem to be currently enjoying, and that only happens a few days out of the year in Michigan! 70's, sunny, and a slight breeze! Aaahhh... ...back to work. I can only look forward to my ride home.
Enthusiastically I lock up the building as the sky glows a magnificent, almost neon, pink. I head out on my two wheeled transportation to take in the end of a beautiful day.
I ride along, head high, breathing in deep the fresh air when...cough, gasp...squint!!!! I've run into a large swarm of small flies!!! As I shake my head from the last of them, a second wave hits me squarely in the face! As I ride along, I find that this phenomena does not occur just by the water, as I first hypothesized. No, all the way home I was hitting swarms of little flies, who somehow fly precisely at the very altitude at which my face happens to be when I am seated on my bike!
Squinting my eyes all the way home, I finally arrived, having had my portion of protein for the day. I have concluded from this eventful ride that perhaps I should include goggles in my next evening bike excursion!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
A Mom's Disguised Blessings
Gone are the days of standing over the stovetop stirring the hot oatmeal as it cooks, planning a two week menu, and taking an hour to prepare a snack.
Now, my 5 year old can climb onto a chair and get the cheerios down. Ta-da...breakfast served in 30 seconds! As I lay in bed getting another 15 minutes of sleep and my four munchkins start climbing all over me, ready for the day's activities to begin, I get up to go have my own bowl of cereal. Still half a sleep I walk toward the counter and "crunch, crunch" under every step. OK, the invention of cheerios is one of a Mom's greatest treasures, but I can guarantee that for the rest of the day I'll be finding them all over the house, even though they were eaten in the kitchen!
Raisins...oooh, do we even dare? A healthy snack, so feeling like a great Mom, I hand over the bag as they excitedly head up the stairs to kindly share this amazing snack with all the other kids. Later, to my toes delight, I step upon the fresh "squoosh" of a raisin already tracked two miles on the bottom of someone else'es foot. I bend down and scrape it out from between my toes. Maybe the raisins need to go!
Fruit snacks! There we go...alternative to the sticky raisins, these have a bit more substance and aren't tracked as easily around the house. But, dare the kids drop one, no matter their shape, they will always roll to the most inconspicuous place, where, upon cleaning that corner you never get to a month later, will lie a melted pile of sticky..."what was that?"!
Kids foods... a true blessing in disguise!
Now, my 5 year old can climb onto a chair and get the cheerios down. Ta-da...breakfast served in 30 seconds! As I lay in bed getting another 15 minutes of sleep and my four munchkins start climbing all over me, ready for the day's activities to begin, I get up to go have my own bowl of cereal. Still half a sleep I walk toward the counter and "crunch, crunch" under every step. OK, the invention of cheerios is one of a Mom's greatest treasures, but I can guarantee that for the rest of the day I'll be finding them all over the house, even though they were eaten in the kitchen!
Raisins...oooh, do we even dare? A healthy snack, so feeling like a great Mom, I hand over the bag as they excitedly head up the stairs to kindly share this amazing snack with all the other kids. Later, to my toes delight, I step upon the fresh "squoosh" of a raisin already tracked two miles on the bottom of someone else'es foot. I bend down and scrape it out from between my toes. Maybe the raisins need to go!
Fruit snacks! There we go...alternative to the sticky raisins, these have a bit more substance and aren't tracked as easily around the house. But, dare the kids drop one, no matter their shape, they will always roll to the most inconspicuous place, where, upon cleaning that corner you never get to a month later, will lie a melted pile of sticky..."what was that?"!
Kids foods... a true blessing in disguise!
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Some gave all, all gave some
Yay! Holiday weekend. Bring out the sunscreen, bug spray, grill, and don't forget the smores!!!!! Boy, do we have a list of things to get done, and with a three day weekend we might just make it...
...Hold On just a sec! This weekend is also a time for Remembering, for reflecting on a memory...thus Memorial Day. This holiday is a time for reflection on the history of our country and for honoring those who gave to help make our country free!
Four of my five brothers so far have joined varying branches of the military. And I am proud of them for serving, to continue the fight for freedom. But let us also remember that it is not just the military that will fight for our freedoms. If we do not exercise our right to these freedoms, they will most assuredly disappear. If we abuse these freedoms, they will most assuredly be taken away. It is our right, our responsibility to use our freedoms in such a way as to benefit ourselves and our fellow countrymen to further the continuation of freedom.
Freedom to worship; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of the Press; Freedom of Assembly.
Let's thank God for the freedoms we have.
Let's thank those who fight to keep our freedoms.
And let's not forget to remember those who died in order for us to enjoy these freedoms.
You can read the history of Memorial day at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Day
~Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan
~Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.
Ronald Reagan
~Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
Thomas Paine
...Hold On just a sec! This weekend is also a time for Remembering, for reflecting on a memory...thus Memorial Day. This holiday is a time for reflection on the history of our country and for honoring those who gave to help make our country free!
Four of my five brothers so far have joined varying branches of the military. And I am proud of them for serving, to continue the fight for freedom. But let us also remember that it is not just the military that will fight for our freedoms. If we do not exercise our right to these freedoms, they will most assuredly disappear. If we abuse these freedoms, they will most assuredly be taken away. It is our right, our responsibility to use our freedoms in such a way as to benefit ourselves and our fellow countrymen to further the continuation of freedom.
Freedom to worship; Freedom of Speech; Freedom of the Press; Freedom of Assembly.
Let's thank God for the freedoms we have.
Let's thank those who fight to keep our freedoms.
And let's not forget to remember those who died in order for us to enjoy these freedoms.
You can read the history of Memorial day at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memorial_Day
~Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan
~Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.
Ronald Reagan
~Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it.
Thomas Paine
Friday, May 28, 2010
Old Navy Great Deal!
Old Navy has an EXTRA 50% off their clearance. Stuff is going fast so hurry! The sale runs today and tomorrow. (May 28/29) Great deals to be had!!
And here is a link to a coupon for $5 off $25
Mosquitos, kids, and hot weather = garlic
It's Michigan and its 90 degrees (f) with a 90 humidity! Now I can handle that if its SNOW in the air! but when its so humid the water just hangs there... I'm sweating just thinking about it! But that is summer in Michigan!
Now I have this theory that the Northern states appreciate summer more because we just had 9 months of shoveling 6 or more inches of heavy snow off our walks and driveways in -20 degree weather! The only problem is, our bodies have now acclimated to the freezing cold and then we get hit by this hot humid stuff and we just pass out! I start opening the windows and night and get the fans going to blow the cold air into the house. All our extra blankets are hung by tacs to the windows to close out the sun during the day. This keeps our house feeling air conditioned until the late sun, when we again open up the windows and get the fans blowing again. I'm hoping to save some money keeping my house cool this way. If all else fails, thankfully, we live close to the beach, where on most days a decent breeze is coming inland from off the waves.
Now the other great thing about Michigan, is that once we finally get warm, hot weather, the official Michigan Air Force starts its maneuvers. As the mosquitos start to swarm, my kids begin their hibernation indoors. After welting up with a bite, we mark the spot with an X to help stop the itch, and start downing the garlic. Believe it or not, if you saturate your body with garlic they tend to not like your blood! Instead they'll go for all of those suckers trying to keep cool on ice-cream! ...but we'll not go there, because Ice Cream is my downfall when it comes to sweets..."swat"...oh those buggers...
Now I have this theory that the Northern states appreciate summer more because we just had 9 months of shoveling 6 or more inches of heavy snow off our walks and driveways in -20 degree weather! The only problem is, our bodies have now acclimated to the freezing cold and then we get hit by this hot humid stuff and we just pass out! I start opening the windows and night and get the fans going to blow the cold air into the house. All our extra blankets are hung by tacs to the windows to close out the sun during the day. This keeps our house feeling air conditioned until the late sun, when we again open up the windows and get the fans blowing again. I'm hoping to save some money keeping my house cool this way. If all else fails, thankfully, we live close to the beach, where on most days a decent breeze is coming inland from off the waves.
Now the other great thing about Michigan, is that once we finally get warm, hot weather, the official Michigan Air Force starts its maneuvers. As the mosquitos start to swarm, my kids begin their hibernation indoors. After welting up with a bite, we mark the spot with an X to help stop the itch, and start downing the garlic. Believe it or not, if you saturate your body with garlic they tend to not like your blood! Instead they'll go for all of those suckers trying to keep cool on ice-cream! ...but we'll not go there, because Ice Cream is my downfall when it comes to sweets..."swat"...oh those buggers...
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
And so it starts....
As if I didn't have enough to do already! Four kids and a business keep me busy enough...but hey, why not go ahead and write some things down?!
I got to bed last night at 1am and up today at 7am...exercised and now on my way to take care of some business for the business.
Paperwork!!! Going paperless does save money...but still when you have to keep records of everything I feel like I'm buried under a tall oak tree sitting at my desk! As I reach under a pile and feel for the mouse, turning a fan on to blow the papers away from my computer screen, so I can save some trees and make all those payments online...but then have to print the confirmation just in case the IRS wants to take a look at my last 10yrs of records! Of course, being an organized person, I can only stand it for so long before I have to get a babysitter and start actually filing all this mess away. Nothing like trying to concentrate on adding, subtracting, and filing with "Mom, I have to go to the bathroom!", "Mom, I'm hungry!", "Mom, can we watch a different movie?", "Mom, I'm hungry!!!" ringing in your ear! Let's not forget all the phone calls that have to be made. Making sure I have all the kids settled with bathroom runs, a movie, and lots of food... after I go through 10 different menus, and wait on hold for another 10 minutes, I finally get to talk to an actual human being only to have, without fail, the kids break out into a fight right in my other ear!
Aahhh, to find a balance in life! I guess that is my biggest challenge at this stage in my life. The biggest thing I want is to make sure that I put the right priorities in the right place. And since blogging wasn't on the agenda for today, I better run and go get my paperwork done........
I got to bed last night at 1am and up today at 7am...exercised and now on my way to take care of some business for the business.
Paperwork!!! Going paperless does save money...but still when you have to keep records of everything I feel like I'm buried under a tall oak tree sitting at my desk! As I reach under a pile and feel for the mouse, turning a fan on to blow the papers away from my computer screen, so I can save some trees and make all those payments online...but then have to print the confirmation just in case the IRS wants to take a look at my last 10yrs of records! Of course, being an organized person, I can only stand it for so long before I have to get a babysitter and start actually filing all this mess away. Nothing like trying to concentrate on adding, subtracting, and filing with "Mom, I have to go to the bathroom!", "Mom, I'm hungry!", "Mom, can we watch a different movie?", "Mom, I'm hungry!!!" ringing in your ear! Let's not forget all the phone calls that have to be made. Making sure I have all the kids settled with bathroom runs, a movie, and lots of food... after I go through 10 different menus, and wait on hold for another 10 minutes, I finally get to talk to an actual human being only to have, without fail, the kids break out into a fight right in my other ear!
Aahhh, to find a balance in life! I guess that is my biggest challenge at this stage in my life. The biggest thing I want is to make sure that I put the right priorities in the right place. And since blogging wasn't on the agenda for today, I better run and go get my paperwork done........
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