Friday, August 6, 2010

Happy Days

The two gabled house with a green lawn bordered by a white picket fence with a flower garden lining its straight edges. Mr. Dad has a four door neat and rather new car, while Mrs. Mom drives the family mini-van. And not to big of a family, at least a boy and girl, and maybe we'll try up to four kids if we can't get both genders right off the bat. Mrs Mom stays home cooking chocolate chips cookies and quickly dusting over the already clean and put-together house, as the children read and play quietly together, or on a nice day play tag in the backyard.  Breakfast takes place at 8am as the kids have already made their beds and are dressed for the day, and Dad is in his suit and tie with a warm cup of coffee in one hand and his briefcase in the other. Mrs. Mom is busy dishing up the fresh eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast all cooked to perfection, of course!  The day ends with Mr. Dad arriving home to a home cooked meal already on the table and all the kids clean and ready to spend a quiet evening together.    ...this of course is the ideal American family.

Then there is the real American family...

The square house with a brown lawn bordered by the weeds not quite gotten to yet by the mower.  Mr Dad has a two door beater car, that we just don't know when it will "go"utgrow that station wagon!  Mrs. Mom tries frantically to get her house in some kind of order and some laundry through, as the kids pull out more toys, run around making a barrage of noise, and leaving a trai, while Mom drives the rusted out 20yr old station wagon. The family was unexpectedly added to Again, and with three boys first, a girl and one boy later we've given up trying to make it even, we just don't want to ol of legos, puzzles, cars, and games in their trail.  Breakfast is when you get up, help yourself, as Dad has already left in his work overalls.  Mrs. Mom is busy washing the dishes everyone left out and eating the leftovers off the plates so the food won't go to waste. (Why bother cooking her own breakfast, as she knows she can have five half breakfasts!)  The day ends with Mr. Dad arriving home late at night tired, dirty, and ready for some quiet and sleep as the kids jump all over him. Mr. Dad reaches for the leftovers in the fridge to scarf something down before hitting the hay.  The kids are all sweaty and have dirt smears all over them from their long day of play, and will be read for bed, oh, in about another hour or so.

I just have to laugh. Of course these are quite the two extremes, but we have so many expectations in life and so many times the things that make us the most happy is



-things like that, where I leave my computer to answer the phone and my three year old wanted to add his own opinion!

We have to cherish the little things. The way our kids reach out for our hands. The smile we both understood. Exploring the tiniest creatures on our hands and knees.

Having things doesn't make us happy. We choose our attitude.
When we choose to see the good and enjoy the things we are blessed with, those are our Happy Days!

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