"Ah, I've got a great idea I'd love to blog"..., inspiration hits me at work, and so I file it in the dark recess files of my brain to later re-open when I'm at the computer and can actually start putting those thoughts into written word.
Two days later, "Oh, this would be a great story to share on my blog!!"...as some funny thing takes place while being with the kids, and again I file the thought away to be recovered at a later date.
So, here I am, sitting at the computer with a free moment while the kids are playing outside and somehow I've lost all those files! Aaahhh.
So today I'll do a diary entry so you can view one day in the life of a blogger that has no idea what to do for a blog entry! :)
My day began at 12:30am as I was climbing into bed after a fun day with friends. I thought since I couldn't fall asleep I'd go ahead and finish the movie I've tried to finish the last three nights. As the movie ended I drifted off into a slumber only to be woken by my five year old around 8am informing me that he'd found one egg in the chicken house! "O.k., make sure you wash it before you put it away" as I roll over to get some more shut eye. Only to be roused again 15min later to the friend who spent the night crying that "your kids woke me up to early. It's not even morning!" ...Well, actually it is morning, but the kids room is dark because I have cleverly made a black-out curtain for nap purposes, and so I can sleep in just a bit longer in the mornings.
Deciding that was it for sleep today, I got up as the kids poured themselves some cold cereal. I love how I'm so prepared!!! :D Got things cleaned up, caught up on some correspondence, made some necessary phone calls, and then gave the kids some modeling clay I'd picked up on sale. Now this is a great idea to absorb the kids in play while Mom does other things, the only problem was, they thought this clay was play dough. All the play dough toys came out and there was a mess everywhere, howbeit they were having a blast. So I smiled and let them make a mess, though I suggested that they may want to get the playdough out so they don't break they're toys on clay!
Making a quick lunch of turkey meat sandwiches and fruit salad, and enjoying the small prayers of small children, they all make a quick disappearance of any food set before them! And I send them on their way, out the door for some more Vitamin D absorption! While I sit at the computer in the small moment of silence and try to figure out what to post as a blog entry since I haven't posted in so long!
Of course, my day is only half over and I had to abbreviate the few things that have happened to this point. I have to say, Next time I need to write down my ideas so you don't have to bore yourself through one of these kind of blog entries!!! :D
Awhile ago I started just entering titles in my new posts and saving them as drafts when I get a thought but don't have the time to hash it out. That way I don't forget, and later when I have a few minutes, I finish it off. I don't get much time in front of our pc since Jessie uses it for work. It makes for very spordadic blogging.